Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Following the trend of Matt and Joe, I'm posting my new deck here, the Magetoba.

Kyoshiro lvl. 3
Okooni lvl. 1
Akutsai lvl. 4

Action Cards:

All is Fair in Love... x3
and War. x3
Fallback x2
I Hate Mystics x3

Burn in Hell x3
Rain of Death x3
Katamaru x3

My inspiration for this deck was originality. I got so tired of seeing the same 6 or so decks played constantly. Change has to start somewhere, right?

You'll notice that there is not much card variety. I tried to stick with good solid cards. The only real gamble in the deck is I Hate Mystics, but it can still be used for an alright attack and spirit boost. I also have no items. I tried to figure something out to take advantage of Okooni's ability to chain jewels, but couldn't between Firon and Fierce Lion, I couldn't work any in and maintain a good balance to accommodate the other characters.

Akutsai is my go-to damage dealer. He's a mage killer, to put it lightly. His hybrid status makes him very versatile against all opponents. Kyoshiro is used for Kotoba clean up duty mostly, getting around their ridiculously high defense with high level fire spells paired with his pyromancer order bonus. Okooni is mostly for mop up duty, and simple brute force. On turn two, he can get as big as 10/11 with out modification, and with 15 health, he can outlast all but the most fierce opening attacks.

As with the others, I'm 100% open to suggestions/criticism. I actually ask for it.

1 comment:

  1. Edit:

    - Added images~
    - Added tags~

    P.S. Sorry, I did not have images of Level 3 KYOOOOOOOOO. :(
